Thursday, September 3, 2009

The man with the plan

Greyson spends lots of his time thinking. Thinking about how things work... thinking about how to get away with sneaking candy... thinking about how he can beat his sisters to the mail box... thinking about when he's a big man and can ride a motorcycle. And while he does all this thinking, his fingers are most certainly hanging out of his mouth. That's a very important part of his thinking process. We're trying to break him of that habit but I have to wonder if once we do, he'll stop thinking.

Anyway. Today he told me that if a doggy and a kitty went up in an airplane or a helicopter or a rocket ship, they might fall down to the ground and get broken. I told him that that would be very bad news for the doggy and kitty. So he thought about it for a minute and said that if that happened, he could get some tools and fix them. Daddy tools, he said. And tape. He was satisfied with that and I could see the relief come into his eyes as he no longer needed to worry about the fate of the doggy and kitty should this tragedy ever occur.

It could work... if the world was as 3 year olds see it. What an interesting world that would be! How I wish I could see his mental image of the doggy and the kitty all fixed up with Daddy tools and tape. I bet it's even funnier than mine is.

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